Healthcare & Hospitals


Pharmacists are expected to be aware of and comply with the practice standards and guidelines developed by the Pharmacy Board of Australia. The codes and guidelines for compounding practice standards becoming increasingly more comprehensive.

Our mission is to provide quality solutions through specialized products and services that minimize the associated risks for patients, pharmacists and other pharmacy staff, and improve patient outcomes and patient safety.

“…pharmacists must adhere to the principles and procedures outlined in one of the following guides/standard, whichever is the most appropriate and relevant to their compounding practice:

  • the PIC/S Guide to Good Practices for the Preparation of Medicinal Products in Healthcare Establishments (PE 010), or
  • the PIC/S Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products (PE 009), or
  • the USP–NF 〈797〉 Pharmaceutical Compounding—Sterile Preparations.”
The Pharmacy Board of AustraliaGuidelines on Compounding of Medicines


  • Personal Protective Equipment

    At Clean Room Garments, we offer a complete range of impermeable garments, gloves, masks, respirators and eye protection that will provide you with maximum protection.

  • Cleaning and Disinfection

    Our wipes, solutions and mops are used in sterile compounding pharmacies, hospitals, and other medical environments to clean, decontaminate and sanitize barrier isolators, laminar air flow hoods, cabinets, tables and ceilings, walls and floors.

  • Compliance

    We are fully accredited under AS/NZS ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management Systems. Our qualified laboratory staff can provide specialised testing services, including test methods development and validation to support your compliance needs.


View our range of limited-linting garments and cleanroom products designed specifically for compounding pharmacies and other critical hospital environments.